The Premier's Reading Challenge is an initiative of the NSW Department of Education. It starts in March each year and finishes in August.
Students use their own secure portal link to record online the books they've read.
Our school library has lots of the books on the lists. Students are expected to choose from our library to develop the skills required for these tasks.
A certificate is issued at the end of the school year to all Students in K - 6 who complete the year's Challenge.
After 4 years the Certificate earned is GOLD and after 7 years the Certificate earned is PLATINUM.
We are excited when students in Years 3 - 6 complete reading their 20 books and meet their challenge.
Teachers read 30 books to students in classes K-2. These books are available in classrooms for students to explore while the challenge is on.
More information and book lists available at:
The certificates are sent home with the end of year reports.